6 Ways Climbing Will Change Your Life

6 Ways Climbing Will Change Your Life

Usually climbing is thrown out of the mix when choosing a cardio sport to burn calories. Surprisingly, climbing is a low-impact aerobic workout that burns mega-calories. Climbing is also forgotten when people are searching for a relaxing form of physical activity. Climbing is a sport of concentration, forcing you to focus and relieve tension. Too often climbing is overlooked as “too hard,” or “too much work.” Climbing is a sport everyone can participate in, and there are several surprising benefits that come from building a practice of regular climbing. Team Green Adventures is gathering for Beginner Indoor Climbing at Climb Nashville’s West Gym every Tuesday at 6 p.m. starting next week! Here are six reasons why you won’t want to miss this:

1. Full Body Strength

Climbing requires all of your muscles to be engaged, while especially building your upper body and triggering your core muscles to constantly work. This sculpting workout will not only result in defined muscles, but also strengthens your endurance muscles, boosting your performance in other physical activities and sports. Climbing will build the primary muscles needed for physical activity, while strengthening secondary muscles for a sport that could not be built from simply practicing that sport.

2. Decision-Making Skills

Each climbing route is like a puzzle that trains your mind. Every climbing session involves quick decision-making, goal setting, and problem solving. When you are hanging on the wall hesitating, you learn to make spot decisions as you go and follow through. You will begin to visualize your routes before the climb, instead of choosing random rocks in the middle of your climb.

3. Self Confidence

Each color grip signifies a different route grade level. Once you have completed a level, it is natural to be determined to meet the next level and continue improving your skills. As you set fitness goals in climbing, you will become more confident in your ability to set goals and achieve them. This will help you fearlessly set personal and career goals outside the gym or away from the rock wall.

4. Stress Relief

Climbing would not be possible without complete concentration from both your body and your mind. Doing this allows the world to drift away, leaving you with your body, mind and gravity. After a rigorous climb, your endorphins will peak gifting you with a clear head.

5. Trust

Climbing is always a team sport. Whether you are bouldering or climbing with a rope, you have a guide. Climbing will build your trust in others as you let another person guide you when you cannot see clearly. Allowing another person to control your rope is putting your safety in their hands.

6. Leadership

As a climber, you will spend just as much time helping others climb. You will teach others how to belay, which involves a very specific system of steps. Guiding a climber on the wall requires excellent communication skills to ensure the climber’s safety. Practicing as a belayer means you will improve your memory of specific climbing vernacular, speaking in the correct order, talking clearly, and listening attentively.

Climbing is a one-of-a-kind sport that delivers a more wide-ranging set of benefits than many other physical activities. Join Team Green every Tuesday at 6 p.m. to see if climbing is the sport you didn’t know you were looking for!

– Kate (Team Green’s Summer Intern)

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